Pin in the shape of a chef's knife. On the silver blade is the word Hostile in grey script with a little grey star at the tip.
Pin in the shape of a chef's knife. On the silver blade is the word Hostile in grey script with a little grey star at the tip.
Pin in the shape of a chef's knife. On the silver blade is the word Hostile in grey script with a little grey star at the tip.
Pin in the shape of a chef's knife. On the silver blade is the word Hostile in grey script with a little grey star at the tip.  It is held between fingers and thumb.
Pin in the shape of a chef's knife. On the silver blade is the word Hostile in grey script with a little grey star at the tip. It is held between fingers and thumb.
Pin in the shape of a chef's knife. On the silver blade is the word Hostile in grey script with a little grey star at the tip. It is on a gold and purple geode.

Hostile Knife Enamel Pin


Do you ever feel like maybe talking to other people is The Worst? Put on your best Resting Go Away Face and wear this pin for extra emphasis on your non-people days.

These pins are made of grey coloured hard enamel on silver coloured plating.

Measurements: 3.2 cm x 0.8 cm
Backing: Rubber clutch
Shipping: 1-5 days to UK, 2-3 weeks to Rest of World (from date of shipping) - see the FAQ for more information

If you'd like to learn more about storing and cleaning your pins, check out our blog post.