Round, purple vinyl sticker. It has a multi-faceted pink gem in the centre. At the top are the words Strong as fuck and below the gem are small hearts in shades of pink. It is held between a finger and thumb.
Round, purple vinyl sticker. It has a multi-faceted pink gem in the centre. At the top are the words Strong as fuck and below the gem are small hearts in shades of pink. It is held between a finger and thumb.
Round, purple vinyl sticker. It has a multi-faceted pink gem in the centre. At the top are the words Strong as fuck and below the gem are small hearts in shades of pink.

Strong As Fuck Vinyl Sticker


Show you're proud of yourself and your strengths whether they're physical, mental or both with this pastel coloured vinyl sticker.

Glossy, coated vinyl sticker in cute pastel colours with white text and a pretty, sparkly and STRONG pink diamond. Scratch and weather proof, long lasting no-fade colours.

We have a Sports Fan Collection geared towards strong feminists and loads of other feminist related stuff in our Feminist Killjoy Collection.

Measurements: 5.2 cm in diameter.
Sticker Material: Coated Vinyl (high quality, UV stable, weather and scratch proof)
Shipping: 1-5 days to UK, 2-3 weeks to Rest of World (from date of shipping) - see the FAQ for more information.