White Men In Suits Ruin Everything - Button Badge - Hand Over Your Fairy Cakes - hoyfc.com
White Men In Suits Ruin Everything - Button Badge - Hand Over Your Fairy Cakes - hoyfc.com
White Men In Suits Ruin Everything - Button Badge - Hand Over Your Fairy Cakes - hoyfc.com

White Men In Suits Ruin Everything Button Badge


This button badge is inspired by the many recent political events involving white men in high places making decisions on behalf of marginalised groups.

Printed in beautiful full rainbow colour, and pressed with high-quality metal components. Our 38 mm badges are finished with a steel safety pin style back.

If you like this, then you might like our Feminist Killjoy Collection.

Measurements: 38 mm diameter
Backing: Steel safety pin
Shipping: 1-5 days to UK, 2-3 weeks to Rest of World (from date of shipping) - see the FAQ for more information.