
HOYFC Production Partners - Risotto Studios Zine Printing

HOYFC Production Partners - Risotto Studios Zine Printing

You might have read about our trip to Risotto Studios where we attended a workshop and made some analogue riso prints including our Other People's Opinions A3 Riso Print. I used what I learned from my visit to help me digitally design our zine "Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted" and it was printed and assembled by Risotto in their Glasgow studio.

Riso Printed Zine

Our zine is made up of two different ink colours, which means each A3 page goes through the riso printer twice - once for each colour. Different gradients in the digital design of each layer and the transparency of the riso inks help to produce the lovely mix of colours you can see here.

After the pages had been printed and left to dry, the zines were meticulously cut, folded, stapled and trimmed by the Risotto team.

Risotto take care to minimise the environmental impact of production and they make all paper goods from their zero-waste workshop in Glasgow. Riso printing is a highly energy efficient and sustainable printing method, the paper they use is from a sustainable source, test prints and leftovers are up-cycled and everything else is recycled.

Minimal electricity is needed for the printer itself, the ink used in printing is soy-based and non-toxic and stencils are made from plant fibres. To find out more about Risotto Studios' commitment to the environment check out their About page and if you'd like to read the zine, you can pick up your own copy in the shop!

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