"Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted" Riso Printed Zine
Advice we didn't need, from men we didn't ask.
The Zine
Almost everyone will receive unwanted advice at some point in their life. In my own experience this advice is almost exclusively from men, and when discussing this on social media, I found that others had been in similar situations. This zine collects stories of unsolicited advice submitted by individuals from all over the world. Contributors have received advice on a huge range of subjects, including food, hair styling, sex, careers, health, driving, breast feeding, music, their perceived ability to attract a husband and more: all from men who appear to truly believe they're being helpful.
What Do I Get When I Order?
- 1 copy of our beautiful 20 page riso printed zine "Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted"
- A couple of "Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted" holographic stickers
- A handful of colour printed matt business cards (to distribute to any Random Men you may encounter in the wild)
- 1 square "Your Unsolicited Advice" 38 mm badge (steel safety pin back)
Printing Process
This zine was printed and assembled in Scotland by the superb Risotto Studio. Risography is an energy efficient and sustainable print process: you can read more about our trip to Risotto Studios and about the process of zine printing on our blog. Please note riso printing isn't like digital printing: each zine will have imperfections, small marks, ink overlay and other little quirks. This is part of it's beauty, your zine is unique!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "This is a HOOT - thank you! I am simultaneously laughing AND furious when I read it." Erin Spiker, via Etsy, 28th March 2019
For more unsolicited advice related stuff, have a look at our Thanks Random Man Collection!